Friday, February 10, 2012

Free Website Traffic Methods

How to Get Free Website Traffic. 

Marketing Forums & Internet Communities - The great thing about Marketing forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain online population that you are looking for. You can discuss what your niche is about. Remember when you join forums or online communities you will have to ask or answer questions. Don't just leave a small comment and don't lurk in the background. Always follow forum and community rules and be sure to add a signature link in your account. You can post a question, or answer a question on the forum and your signature appears just below what you added to the conversation. Make sure your signature has your website or blog link. 

Start your own newsletter or ezine - This is a real no-brainer and should be done ASAP. Provide your visitors with an interesting newsletter. Put a form on your website or blog asking them to signup in exchange for a free ebook or product. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other folks.  The more people who sign up for your newsletter, the more traffic you get. It is also great for follow up emails. When you update your blog or website email your subscribers and tell them the latest and greatest idea, tip, or advice you've acquired since then. 

Writing articles - My Favorite. Write articles that could appeal to the attention of people that have interest in your product, website or blog. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other enthusiasts in the same niche. Writing articles that provide a good service and knowledge to other folks is an excellent way to drive lots of free traffic to your website or blog. You do not have to be an expert writer. Did you know the average reading level of the adult today is the 8th grade.   Wow that is an amazing statistic...go ahead Google it!

Submitting your article to article directories - Many article directories offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the article by finding out where the article originated from. Include a link or a brief description of your business website or blog in the resource box. This will also add a back link to your website. traffic and a back link it's a good double whammy. 

Use Yahoo Answers to generate more targeted traffic.  I know a lot about gardening matter of fact I have a website that gets tons of traffic using yahoo answers! How is this done? Easy I answer gardening questions at yahoo.answers dot com  The best way to do this is by adding your website page or blog in the "What's Your Source Box". This works very well if you have an informational type of blog or website. I must warn you though. Adding your website in the source box has to be relevant to whatever the question might be. If the question is about "How do I get traffic to my website" then your source box webpage should be about "getting more website traffic". Of course your answer should also reflect the relevancy of your site or blog. Not only will folks click on your link but you will get a one way link from It is important that you have a good relevant answer as the moderator will pick from several choices. The best answer will always get more clicks. 

Start your own blog. Yea...this is really easy and can actually get you loads of free traffic to your website. Or you could just use a blog and no website at all. It's your call. It does take a little time, patience and a willingness to implement blog plugins, themes, ads, and AdSense advertising. The most important part about owning a blog is the "permalink" settings and a good SEO plugin for blogs.

Once again you will need "good unique content". Getting a blog and publishing something you have no idea about is a waste of time. Start a blog about your own interest, or something that will coincide with your good content website, venture or online business.

Paul Guzman is the author of this article you can get more website traffic ideas at:

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